The Day is Here

So, it finally happened. I’m a published author. Weird, it feels like any other Monday in lots of ways, but I' put a book out there into the universe and now it’s available for purchase.

As a writer, now with a résumé, I feel like I should have something incredibly profound to say about such a momentous occasion, but I don’t. Like all momentous occasions, my life can now be drawn in before and after. There will be the time before I had a book, and the times after. I have no idea how different, if any, the times after will be. At this moment, I’m just wondering if I’ll ever put another book out there - writing the second seems infinitely more difficult than writing the first, which is surprising. But mostly, I feel grateful. Like many of my momentous occasions, I didn’t get here by myself, and I feel a great impulse to run around thanking everyone. But then I picture an Oscar winner rattling on long after the orchestra has begun playing them off, still rattling on with a list of people they wish to thank, ironically showing up as ungrateful rather than its opposite. So instead, I’ll just take a moment to bask. A short moment, mind you - I still have a day job to tend to. And another book to write, I hope.


Muddle Through, Somehow


Dog is the new Gay